Sunday, 22 July 2012

Another Ekka entry - A True Ozzie

Beggars and Bullies..............Sold
These Australian Magpies gather along our verandah railing hoping and begging that we'll feed them.  I try to resist since they can become very cheeky and are likely to come into the house.  We have a lot of bird habitat on the island but very, very occasionally if it has been raining for a long period I do feed them. They are very picturesque and I intend doing another of them with the second bird warbling.  They also have a beautiful voice.
Postscript:  This painting was awarded third prize in its section at the Ekka.  I was pleased.


  1. Gorgeous Ellen, absolutely gorgeous!
    I keep thinking there's no more room for improvement, and then you keep surprising me.

    1. Oh, thank you Rob. I am feeling really yuk at present about painting.....such encouraging words. Cheers, Ellen

  2. I saw this painting at the show, but alas I was too late - already sold. I love the composition.
